
Showing posts from December, 2020

101. The Transformative Power of AI

Folks, let’s face it. Our classrooms are going to look a little different this year. AI, specifically ChatGPT, is going to change the way we design learning experiences and assess student mastery. I’ll be honest, when I first explored the ChatGPT platform I was terrified. As I have dug deeper into the technology and its capabilities, I realized that while it does pose significant challenges — it also presents us with some pretty amazing opportunities. In this series, we will explore what AI is capable of, its implications in the classroom, and how it can benefit both teachers and students. Let’s start by examining where we have been, where we are currently, and looking forward to where we are going. Whether this is a trip you wanted to go on or not, the AI train has left the station and it is time for all of us to jump on board. From Card Catalogs to Artificial Intelligence I belong to the micro-generation called Xennial. Xennials are considered to be a “bridge” between Generation X a...

#43. The Case for Mastery Checks

Assessing student understanding is a complex process even in the best of times. Testing during a pandemic adds a whole other set of variables and challenges. In this post, I will share how remote instruction has fundamentally changed the way that I view assessment.  What is the PURPOSE of assessment? There are two types of assessments that can be used to inform instruction; formative and summative.  Formative assessments monitor student learning and provide feedback to the student to improve their performance. It is an integral part of the learning process.  Summative assessments measure student learning at the end of the learning process. They are typically high-stakes and might include mid-term exams, papers etc. When I am developing any assessment I ask myself the following questions: What do I want my students to know or be able to do as a result of this lesson? How will I know if they have mastered the learning? In the past, I have used a variety of formative asses...

#42. Growth through Virtues

The end of first semester is just a few weeks away.  By the end of the semester, my students will have been remote learners for a total of 16 weeks.  Although, I have been really impressed with the grit and fortitude that they have displayed, I have noticed that as the weeks progress they become more and more disheartened. About 50% of my students are seniors and they really miss being in the school building. With this is mind, I decided to end my semester on a high note and provide them with the opportunity to recognize what they have accomplished this semester, celebrate who they are as individuals, and identify a strength-based path forward. According to Positive Psychology, character strengths are an integral part of achieving well-being. They are positive attributes of our personality that help us survive and thrive. There are 24 different strengths organized under the following six umbrella virtues: Creativity, Curiosity, J...