A blended lesson plan in a traditional classroom...
This past week we covered the topics of motivation and emotion in AP Psychology. I used this lesson as an opportunity to begin implementing "blended" techniques in a traditional classroom. The learning targets for this lesson were to
Define motivation and identify motivational theories
Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs &
Define achievement motivation, including intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
The duration of the lesson was 4 class periods of 45 minutes each. I will address what this will look like in a blended model class at the end of this post. Here is a brief outline as to what content was covered each day and the method used:
Monday & Tuesday: Introduction to Theories of Motivation
1. Students were presented with a video interview of Aron Ralston. He discussed his ordeal of being trapped by a boulder for 127 hours and the decision to amputate his own arm. The students reflected individually, with a partner on his motivations an
d then shared as a whole class.
2. Based on this discussion, the students individually crafted a definition of motivation. They volunteered to share responses with the class.
3. I presented them with the definition of motivation & explained six different theories of motivation used to explain human behavior.
4. They were presented with a formative assessment that required them to explain a series of human behaviors using the theories discussed in class.
Wednesday & Thursday: Theories of Motivation Project
1. The students were assigned a project to demonstrate their mastery of the motivational theories. They could work individually or in small groups and were required to create an artifact that demonstrated the theories and a write up that explained their artifact and related it to the theories studied. They were given the following options for artifacts provided to the students.
A. Motivational Workout Video: You
will use these theories in small groups to put together a short (~3 minutes)
workout video in which you will encourage others through your understanding of
the unit. Within your
video you must meet the following requirement: include three different theories
of motivation
B. Theories Playlist
Create 5 music playlists for the different
theories of motivation that we discussed in class. You should have at least 2 songs for each theory in which the title, lyrics,
or overall meaning of the song relate to the theory's explanation of motivation.
C. Motivational T-Shirt Designs
Create a t-shirt that
incorporates a motivational theory and/or theory of emotion. Your shirt should represent the entirety
of the theory or topic and be unique in its presentation. The visual can be an image or slogan. You must create and wear your t-shirt to
class. (adapted from Maria Vita, Penn Manor High School)
D. Media
Analysis: Advertisements
use various techniques to make their products seem desirable. In this activity, you will explore how
advertising is used to influence consumers by observing FIVE commercials and explain how this commercial is attempting to motivate
people to buy their product. Include a
clear description of which motivational theory they are using as well as
specific examples of how it can be seen in the commercial. Your analysis must cover at least three of
the five theories of motivation.
** Please note that these assessment ideas have been generously shared by other AP Psychology teachers. If you are the originator of the assessment and would like to receive credit on this page, please contact me.
Lastly, the students provided feedback to each other digitally. We did not present their projects in class. Instead, they posted their projects to a thread in google classroom and the students were required to view two other presentations and comment on them. Here are the directions that I provided,
have until midnight on _______________ to comment on two of your
classmate’s projects. Your comments
should be thoughtful and CONSTRUCTIVE.
They should also demonstrate your understanding of the content
material. “Good job” is not going to cut
it! Please reference a specific theory
in your response and either provide a compliment, constructive critique, an
explanation as to how it increased your understanding or a thoughtful question
about their application.
This lesson will translate nicely into a blended format. By utilizing collaborative tools such as google classroom and google docs, the students will be able to collaborate easily outside of the classroom walls.
A sample lesson is described below;
Monday - This remains the same as described above with one exception, they will be completing the formative assessment questions in small groups on Tuesday or Thursday. This will provide me with the opportunity to provide more individualized instruction and re-teaching as necessary. The project will be assigned on Monday, they will form groups and begin to collaborate digitally. It is my expectation that this collaboration will continue throughout the week both inside and outside of the classroom.
Tuesday -Group A will meet in class and complete the formative assessment.
Wednesday - Project work day in class. This will allow all of the students in each group to work together. This is necessary if they are creating a video for example.
Thursday - Group B will meet in class and complete the formative assessment.
Projects are due the following Monday and blog posts are due the following Friday. The students have one week to review and respond to each other's projects using google classroom. Some sample responses are included below
I was very pleased with the feedback that the students provided each other. It was specific and displayed their understanding of the theories. I preferred this format to presenting in class because it saved time, the students were more engaged and "owned" their responses. I look forward to utilizing this method more in the future.
There are a number of benefits to the blended model in this situation. First, it provides students with greater flexibility in terms of how and when they will complete the project. Secondly, it requires them to use executive functioning skills like time management, clear communication and self-regulation skills to complete the assigned task. Thirdly, it prepares them for the collegiate environment in which they will not have "class time" to complete assignments. Lastly, it gives them choice and power. I believe that this will increase student buy-in and, ultimately, increase student achievement.
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