
Showing posts from October, 2021

101. The Transformative Power of AI

Folks, let’s face it. Our classrooms are going to look a little different this year. AI, specifically ChatGPT, is going to change the way we design learning experiences and assess student mastery. I’ll be honest, when I first explored the ChatGPT platform I was terrified. As I have dug deeper into the technology and its capabilities, I realized that while it does pose significant challenges — it also presents us with some pretty amazing opportunities. In this series, we will explore what AI is capable of, its implications in the classroom, and how it can benefit both teachers and students. Let’s start by examining where we have been, where we are currently, and looking forward to where we are going. Whether this is a trip you wanted to go on or not, the AI train has left the station and it is time for all of us to jump on board. From Card Catalogs to Artificial Intelligence I belong to the micro-generation called Xennial. Xennials are considered to be a “bridge” between Generation X a...

#59 Picture This! A Visual Vocabulary Strategy

This year I have purposefully incorporated more face-to-face learning opportunities within the walls of my blended classroom. In this post, I will share a brief, easy-to-implement, works-for-any unit, vocabulary strategy that will get your students thinking, moving and talking. The following activity requires students to create a visual representation of a concept without using any words. Here's an overview of the process: (An exemplar assignment is provided in Step #6 below.) 1. Choose the Vocabulary Terms. These should be terms that have already been learned in class. It is not a strategy designed to teach new vocabulary terms. This activity will work with almost any set of related terms. 2. Assign Terms. Assign one term to each student. I like to highlight the term on the direction sheet. They should keep their term a secret! It should not be written on their drawings. 3. Provide Directions. Here are mine: You will be assigned one vocabulary word. You will have 15 minutes to ...

#58 A Mindfulness Intervention

I have a question for you, when was the last time that you sat quietly and let yourself just "BE?" You didn't revel in the past or plan for the future, you simply existed in the moment. If you are anything like me, it certainly hasn't been often or recent enough. In this blog post, I will share what I have learned about being mindful, the benefits of mindfulness and ways to foster mindfulness at home and work. Mindfulness can mean different things to different people. For some people, it conjures up ideas of Buddhist monks meditating for hours on end. Others might envision hordes of spandex-clad individuals practicing yoga. In the field of psychology, m indfulness is "being aware of the present moment during our daily activities, including both the world outside us and our inner experiences" (Compton, 2020, p. 121). It is paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in the present moment without judgement or reservation. According to Jon Kabat-...