
Showing posts from December, 2018

101. The Transformative Power of AI

Folks, let’s face it. Our classrooms are going to look a little different this year. AI, specifically ChatGPT, is going to change the way we design learning experiences and assess student mastery. I’ll be honest, when I first explored the ChatGPT platform I was terrified. As I have dug deeper into the technology and its capabilities, I realized that while it does pose significant challenges — it also presents us with some pretty amazing opportunities. In this series, we will explore what AI is capable of, its implications in the classroom, and how it can benefit both teachers and students. Let’s start by examining where we have been, where we are currently, and looking forward to where we are going. Whether this is a trip you wanted to go on or not, the AI train has left the station and it is time for all of us to jump on board. From Card Catalogs to Artificial Intelligence I belong to the micro-generation called Xennial. Xennials are considered to be a “bridge” between Generation X a...

#17. NCSS Chicago 2018

NCSS 2018 HOLY SMOKES!  The NCSS Conference was amazing!!  Seriously, it was some of the best professional development that I have ever received.  It was truly inspiring to be surrounded by such passionate educators.    I was able to re-connect with old friends, finally meet people who I "knew" but had never met in person and establish new connections with teachers who are currently, or will soon be, teaching blended AP Psych.   The presentation options were limitless. I spent most of the first day in the designated psych room but was able to stretch my legs and see an entertaining  presentation by a NPR host, Peter Sagal.  He is hilarious!  If you have not attended NCSS before, I highly suggest that you look into it for next year.   On a side note, if you are a psychology teacher, I highly recommend that you consider joining the NCSS Psychology community. It is $30 for a lifetime membership!  You will receive acce...